Kapa Moračka waterfall

This hike turned out to be unexpectedly physically demanding, although we allowed 9 hours for it, and returned to the car as the sky was darkening. We followed the path from the previous hike along Štit but instead of walking along the ridge we descended into the next valley and followed the valley floor to under the peaks of Lastva, Zagradac and Kapa Moračka, where we reached the waterfall after 4 hours of walking. The questionable decision was taken then to climb up a steep slope largely of scree which turned out to be around 500 metres high, which was pretty demanding and took us two hours along, with no small peril from sliding rocks. However, the view from the top of Štit was worth the exhaustion, but we still had to hurry back to the car to avoid being caught in the dark on the mountain. This hike was tough on the knees, ankles and feet, and I appreciated the fact that I had kept some level of fitness up over the spring.