Babin zub/Torna - second (unsuccessful) attempt to climb

With the information gleaned from the previous hike we drove as far as we could get along the macadam/dirt road, and set about looking for an animal track described in the guide book. Failing to find such a thing, we picked a possible route and scrambled up as far as we could safely get. There was some sort of sheep trail, but it was rather dangerous for humans and my companion did not wish to go back the same way. So we climbed down a rockfall which was very movable and eventually got back down to the road. Subsequent examination of satellite photograph has not definitively shown us where the route suggested by the guide might be, but if we ever try it again, we have some ideas. The simplest way would be to drive to the other side of the mountain to the village of Lipovac, where there is a signposted trail, but that wouldn't have been so fun. This face of the mountain is one of the most inhospitable areas of the country I have tried to hike in, but is an interesting s...