Šljeme (East summit) 2,445 m - last hike before winter

The weather afforded us one last sunny weekend before the snow was due to hit Žabljak, although it was blustery and cold. Parking at the ski centre at Savin kuk, we took a gently rising path around the foothills westwards through woodland, past Šupljika in the direction of the road to Sedlo. Then we found a protected steep grassy slope going up to the ridge Zupci. This ridge gradually rose all the way to Šljeme. We calculated that we would not have enough time to reach the highest peak, so settled for the eastern summit, which affords a view towards Međed northwards and to Bobotov kuk north-eastwards. It was bitingly cold with a stiff breeze here, so after a brief stay at the summit, we headed back towards Čista strana and then back to the ski centre. This was a physically challenging climb, but very satisfying because of the excellent views over most of the main peaks and features of Durmitor. At 2,445 m the eastern summit is still one of the highest peaks, w...